Saturday 26 May 2012

A Bit of Devious Bribery

Alright, listen up, lads.

I've tried and failed with this blogging lark so many times that I'm beyond caring at this point. If you read it, I like you, if you follow it, I am forever your faithful servant, if you tell your people about it, I will happily marry you and have your babies (terms and conditions applied). If you're not even reading this, I think you're the scum of the earth and don't deserve the breath in your lungs, but see, you must be reading this, so you're grand.

This is my first post. This is a warning of what is to come.

I am a writer. A scribbler of words and stories. My characters are real people - you will not convince me otherwise. I've taken a year out of school to work on what I hope will be my debut novel sometime soon - Memoirs of a Jellybean Thief (and no, it's not about me). I'm in the throes of a violent caffeine addiction and I take too many showers. I'm a sufferer of mild obsessive compulsive disorder and what appears to be myalgic encephepalomyelitis (awaiting official diagnosis). I rant on a daily basis. I'm incredibly antisocial and remarkably Irish. I love broccoli and chicken and jellybeans and a halfway decent debate over something awesome and intelligent. Lucozade is my elixir of life. At least once a day, someone yells at me to "put my freaking glasses on!" or "stop being so bloody modest!", so for that reason, I'm going to mention that I did happen to win the 2012 Sean Dunne Young Writers' Junior Award for my short story "Up and Over", which I might just post on here someday. I recently discovered that I'm a "hipster" and whatever little time I don't spend writing, I'm reading or trying to play guitar. One day, I'll be a full-time writer/the immunologist who finds the cure for AIDS, but until then, I'm just Aoife Greene, pen name - Maggie Avalon, taking over the world one word at a time.


Now, this blog is going to be about the Amazing Moi (did I mention I'm a severely sarcastic cynic, with a thing for questionable alliteration?), the Amazing Moi's life, ups, downs, rants, opinions and road to (what will hopefully be) literary success. Eventually. Maybe. Probably not, but still.
Oh, an reviews! How could I forget the reviews? Yes, I do book reviews! Well... I don;t yet, but I will... someday...

So, watch this space - I've promised my muse I'm going places and (just as a bit of devious bribery) MY FIRST FIVE FOLLOWERS GET ACKNOWLEDGED IN MY BOOK.

Over an' out ;)

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